On Our Best Behavior


November 28, 2023 Kelli Szurek & Maccoy Overlie
On Our Best Behavior
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On Our Best Behavior
Nov 28, 2023
Kelli Szurek & Maccoy Overlie

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Hey there, it's your favorite podcast duo, Mac and Kelli! We're serving up a hot, fresh plate of Thanksgiving tales, lottery dreams, and a Vikings game experience that's guaranteed to make you feel like you're right there in the stands. Our trip down memory lane starts with a cozy Thanksgiving celebration, sprinkled with fun games and delicious food. And if that's not enough, Kelli paints a vivid picture of her exhilarating experience at the Vikings game. Buckle up and get ready for a fun ride!

Who's ready for some Kentucky adventures? We're taking you on a tour through our recent trip that promises laughs, stories, and yes, even a bit of suspense. Imagine hilarious hotel bar encounters, memorable Airbnb moments, and a donut hunt that ends with a satisfied sweet tooth. We also split our group and explored different parts of Kentucky - think bakeries, breweries, and distilleries - because why not? It's Kentucky! 

We round up our Kentucky experience with a visit to Buc-ees and the Maker's Mark distillery where we dip our own bottle of Maker's Mark in wax. We share our thoughts on the food and our nightcap? A bonfire and s'mores under the starlit Kentucky sky. Back home, we discuss our plans for a future trip to the Mandarin buffet and laugh about our struggles in long lunch lines at school. As we wrap up, we've got a sneak peek of our upcoming episode with Dave Ryan. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and let us take you on this adventure with us. You won't want to miss it!

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Hey there, it's your favorite podcast duo, Mac and Kelli! We're serving up a hot, fresh plate of Thanksgiving tales, lottery dreams, and a Vikings game experience that's guaranteed to make you feel like you're right there in the stands. Our trip down memory lane starts with a cozy Thanksgiving celebration, sprinkled with fun games and delicious food. And if that's not enough, Kelli paints a vivid picture of her exhilarating experience at the Vikings game. Buckle up and get ready for a fun ride!

Who's ready for some Kentucky adventures? We're taking you on a tour through our recent trip that promises laughs, stories, and yes, even a bit of suspense. Imagine hilarious hotel bar encounters, memorable Airbnb moments, and a donut hunt that ends with a satisfied sweet tooth. We also split our group and explored different parts of Kentucky - think bakeries, breweries, and distilleries - because why not? It's Kentucky! 

We round up our Kentucky experience with a visit to Buc-ees and the Maker's Mark distillery where we dip our own bottle of Maker's Mark in wax. We share our thoughts on the food and our nightcap? A bonfire and s'mores under the starlit Kentucky sky. Back home, we discuss our plans for a future trip to the Mandarin buffet and laugh about our struggles in long lunch lines at school. As we wrap up, we've got a sneak peek of our upcoming episode with Dave Ryan. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax, and let us take you on this adventure with us. You won't want to miss it!

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys, welcome back to our best behavior.

Speaker 2:

I'm Mack and you're here with Kelly, you still aren't ever gonna do that thing where you say I just tried to and I forgot. I'm still trying to get you to do that thing, where you're like you're here with Mack and Kelly Today we're gonna talk about our Kentucky trip. No, it's been a minute since we've been did a podcast. I just did a podcast and I'm a little starstruck because I just interviewed Dave Ryan from KDWB. Do you know who that is?

Speaker 1:

No, not really.

Speaker 2:

You know, he's like the guy on the radio.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but I don't know him.

Speaker 2:

You don't listen to the radio. No, it's just like an older people thing.

Speaker 1:

No, I just decided to. Does anyone you know listen to the radio? Probably not.

Speaker 2:

No, that's sad. That's sad, sad, sad. All right, what have we been up to? So I just told you I interviewed Dave Ryan. That was huge for me, and otherwise before that I was just in like a mindset and channeling positive energy. I've really been trying to channel money and energy and peace Lately. I've just been dreaming and thinking about like selling everything I own, starting all over fresh. I spend too much time dreaming on realitercom looking at houses in the US Virgin Islands. I just want maybe like a simple stress free life, just like work at a bar or restaurant and just whatever. Go to work, come home no stress, make money, be in warm weather all the time on the beach. How about you? I also, I also go ahead, go ahead. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I guess, yeah, that sounds nice.

Speaker 2:

And then on the other complete spectrum, like I am trying to channel, winning like billions of dollars on the lottery, and I want to like live in the. I used to want to just like live in the middle of nowhere in the woods, and now like I really want to live in Hollywood Hills. Oh yeah, yeah, hey, it was Thanksgiving and your mama's down 27 pounds. Actually, I lost four or five more pounds. Whoa, boom, shaka, laka Thanksgiving. Do you want to talk about Thanksgiving for a little bit? Yeah, let's do it All right.

Speaker 1:

Tell me about your Thanksgiving Food. There was a lot of food eating.

Speaker 2:

Was it good?

Speaker 1:

Yes, so good.

Speaker 2:

My sister-in-law is the best cook I've ever met, don't you think?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Aunt Tracy, yeah, she can. Oh, she can cook. So it was so good. I feel like I ate so much. I was so full. I had pie. Justin made a few pumpkin pies. Yeah, he did, yeah.

Speaker 1:

One turned out good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I tried some new stuff this year and you know, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, and this year it didn't, yeah, but the dogs liked it. I guess, yeah, it's so good it was pretty bland, so it was safe for them to eat and they loved it. All right, we had to play games on Thanksgiving, which I usually hate playing games, but we played some stellar games this Thanksgiving. Do you remember I had a puzzle? There was a puzzle.

Speaker 1:

Is that why you liked it?

Speaker 2:

No, I liked, I liked that candy bar game. So there was a game. I hated the candy bar game Just because you are trash at it.

Speaker 1:

No, it's just not good. Why wasn't?

Speaker 2:

it good Because it was hard. No, because it had a paper involved. Oh, you don't like to write. No, you're not at school like I'm not using a paper and pencil?

Speaker 1:

No, that's yeah, that's type school stuff. No, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Do you even use a pen and paper in school anymore?

Speaker 1:

pencil and paper. Yes, every day, or do you guys?

Speaker 2:

just use computers, mainly pencil paper.

Speaker 1:

You do.

Speaker 2:

What's your Chromebook for in school?

Speaker 1:

No websites, mainly.

Speaker 2:

In class they'll be like okay, everyone go to this website, yeah, okay. So instead of like looking at like a projector, you everyone just goes on their computer.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They don't like write stuff on the whiteboard Not really Not very much, so it must be end of the try.

Speaker 1:

I know, did you get? Yeah, I did.

Speaker 2:

You did. I haven't gotten sapped in a long time. How do you feel your grades are? Are you all caught up? Everything turned in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do have everything turned in.

Speaker 2:

When does TryMester 2 start?

Speaker 1:

December 1st or 2nd oh, that's.

Speaker 2:

Friday no, it doesn't. Is it next week?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, next week on Tuesday, we have Monday off too. You do, yeah, apparently I didn't know, I'll have to look at that.

Speaker 2:

You know how great I am at paying attention. I just believe whatever you tell me, because I'm a sucker for you.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's what my teacher said. So okay, I mean I'm sure, I'm sure you're probably right.

Speaker 2:

So the candy bar game there was like hints and then you had to match it with candy bars. That was fun. We did a whoever could finish a hundred piece puzzle the fastest one, and you know your mama killed it. And we did flip cup, which is always. You're usually good, I suck at flip cup. You're usually good at it, but you don't win this time.

Speaker 1:

No, I only want ones and then I did terrible.

Speaker 2:

I think it's because I was eating oh. Yeah, that's right. Well, you were stress-eating, you were telling people it was a joke. Yeah, I was funny, though You're like I'm stress-eating, just trying to shove all those Texas Roadhouse buns in your mouth.

Speaker 1:

I Can't get hungry by y'all out eat and then I get more hungry. Yeah, so weird, I'm gonna get full.

Speaker 2:

Last night I went to the Vikings game with Emily and the Vikings got the butt kicked. It was such a Boring game because there was no touchdowns, it was all field goals, really, and the Vikings were down, down, down, down, down. Then finally we were up. Did we get? Maybe we did get one touchdown, and so we were up by a touchdown. But then of course the Bears got the ball back and ran it as far as they could to kick a field goal, got the field goal, vikings lost. But let me tell you how, about how great my experience was.

Speaker 2:

I've never tailgated out of Vikings game before and we did. Was it's where you like get you go in the. So usually people and I could be wrong, so don't quote me on this usually people who have seasoned tickets. They also have a parking spot and like a special lot and then all those people Come together and they tailgate, which means they like eat and have drinks and whatever like kind of pregame, like get all. Like People were singing karaoke, they had games, it was a lot was going on, it was fun, but it was fucking cold. I Was cold. So then One of the girls that we went with, her friend like, lived in a condo nearby, and so we went there. Well, first we went to Emily's friends and we had she made us margaritas and they were so good so good.

Speaker 2:

Then we went to the tailgate and had it like a drink. Then we went to her friends, condo, and had another drink and I met a lot of great people. It was, it was fun, it was really nice. And then we went to the game and it was really fun because all the people in our section are like ticket holders and so they all know each other, because they all go to like all the games and so it was really fun feeling like part of that family of everyone who sorry, I'm getting distracted Just people who like knew each other and like kind of have this like foundation of football that they love and and they were Really like festive and dressed up and into it and it was just, it was a good time. It was a good time. I had fun. Even though we lost, I had a fun time. How about you?

Speaker 1:

What do you mean?

Speaker 2:

I mean just do, you got anything going on not anything you want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

I Know anything exciting, anything, life's just been not too bumpy. Yeah, but that's good after Thanksgiving. The week after Thanksgiving it was just chill, yeah nothing else nothing, nothing crazy is happening at school.

Speaker 2:

Nothing's going on. No drama, no, no drama for your mama.

Speaker 1:

No, no, zero zero.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's talk about our trip to Kentucky, all right, okay, day one, day one, we woke up. We drove to our hotel, which was in Schomburg, illinois. We got there a little bit early before check-in, and so we went and had dinner at this. It was like a heavy metal burger joint. They're playing like loud heavy metal music. And all they served there was hamburgers for the most part, and chicken. I mean no sense.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was, it was meh. It was an interesting experience. It was meh, it was, the service sucked, the food was meh. It was expensive, meh yeah, that's all right.

Speaker 2:

Um, then we checked into the hotel. The guy at the front desk was the biggest dick ever. So what happened is is I I have the Marriott app and then you get points the more like Marriott's you stay at. So I just try to do that because they're everywhere.

Speaker 2:

And so, anyway, on that app like initially the first time we ever used it was under Justin, but then I just like transferred everything to have like my name and stuff on there and, um, so when I checked in, the guy's like what's the name? And I was telling him and he's like I don't have any buddy under that name and I was like, okay, we'll try this name. So then they tried Justin's name and he found it. And he's like, well, do you have an ID that says Justin's last name on it? And I'm like no, you don't have to be married and have the same last name. And he's like I know that. He's like I can't check you in. I'm like, well, right here on the app, it says I can just check in by myself, online check in. He's like, oh yeah, you can do that.

Speaker 2:

And I'm like I'm like I'm really sorry, he didn't mean to sound rude, I just want to check into my hotel and he just looked at me like you're a bitch. So then whatever. So it didn't make any sense to me. I'm sure there's a rhyme or reason for it, but the guy was a jerk. We got to our hotel room, I fucked up. I thought there was a hot tub there. There wasn't, but they had a really fun lobby and so he went in the lobby and I just made sure to rub it in that guy's face that we were having a good time and yeah, and he wasn't gonna reign on my parade. So we had fun. We played games in the lobby. We played Skitbow I don't think I ever won, I suck and then we played Connect 4.

Speaker 2:

And you, were so oh champion, you were so good at that. They had a bar there, and so I always feel like hotel bars have really good drinks. I mean, they're super expensive. But oh, I had this drink. It was so good and I felt a little buzzed up and, honestly, the whole time of the trip that's the only time that I got a little drunk.

Speaker 1:

The rest of the time.

Speaker 2:

I just you know, drinking is not my jam anymore. So yeah, it was fine, it was fine.

Speaker 1:

I got a little buzz. You did no, you said you like I got a little buzz. I got a little buzz, but you I got a little buzz.

Speaker 2:

We were checking out the pool because we were like, oh, maybe we'll go swimming. They have a pool and no hot tub. Oh, my ankles are stiff and you wouldn't have any shoes on, but you had socks on and then you wanted to go in there but you didn't want to like get your socks wet.

Speaker 2:

So I was like carrying you around and you're like taller than me. Oh, oh, karma is my boyfriend. That was just you getting smacked in the face what the cord and not me. Oh, it was funny. So I was carrying you around and then we went. So they had like a little market there where you could get snacks. Everything was super expensive. Nothing was really like that appealing. So we went to the gas station and once again you didn't have your shoes on still, so they had to carry you so you didn't get dirty feet, yeah, and that was fun. And then you're like Mom, I can't go in, I don't have any shoes on, and I'm like nobody's gonna say anything, we're gonna buy stuff, it's gonna be fine. But we had a lot of fun. They had a microphone in the lobby, so you and I were like pretending to be on our podcast. That was super fun. I had a good time. We went to McDonald's. Emily was so excited because they have the bagel sandwich in Illinois. We don't have that at our McDonald's in Minnesota.

Speaker 1:

I don't really care about it.

Speaker 2:

It's like yeah, yeah, I mean, I'm not a fan either. So day two, we drove the rest of the way to Kentucky. By the time we got to our Airbnb, it was dark.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I couldn't really see like what the outside looked like. But the inside was lovely. I got the master suite with the pool, with the tub in it. I use that tub every night. It was lovely. That bed was the most comfortable bed I've ever slept in.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Was your bed comfortable.

Speaker 1:

I was all right, it was pretty comfortable, yeah, look at my violence.

Speaker 2:

We got there. You guys made hot dogs on the fire and then I made J Grill.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, the hot dogs on the fire were way better, cause you guys are weird. You don't like cuts on it or anything.

Speaker 2:

I like the cuts. I just don't like when it gets like. Sometimes I feel like when you grill them on the fire they get a weird fire bond, fire taste and like they get too burnt on the outside and not hot enough on the inside.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's the best part.

Speaker 2:

I like the. You like a cold middle in your wiener.

Speaker 1:

No, the inside isn't cold. What Then? You must have cooked the wrong?

Speaker 2:

I don't know that's just. That's my experience. Was it black on the outside? I don't like it black on the outside. It wasn't black, Okay it was like a little brown.

Speaker 1:

Some spots were black like on, like the top. Well, like you're mainly cooking it, but I didn't.

Speaker 2:

No, it wasn't any black, no, I also like felt like when I saw it on that stick outside. It looked like it was pussing, Like all the juice was like yeah, it was, because it's so nasty it was hot. Anyone's fun, oh it was a gross, oh, so we made hot dogs and I think you're seeing you did look like Puss. It was gross. I couldn't get that out of us, it's a puss dog out of my.

Speaker 2:

Couldn't get that out of my mind. But we went in the hot tub. They had. What did they have there? They had that, um, ah, casino slots game, yeah, and then you liked that, you had fun with that. Yeah and then they had ski ball. You said that sucked Big, big yon. They had two fireplaces, but what I didn't like about them where they were connected to the thermostat, so once the house was like at a certain temperature, like the fireplace would shut off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then like I like it chilly in my bedroom and so like I would open the windows. But all the doors and windows at this place had sensors. So every time someone opened a door or a window like you'd hear this like bing bong, and then it would like notify the host of the Airbnb. And so she like had sent me a message and she's like um, I don't really appreciate heating the outside. Can you shut the war windows?

Speaker 1:

I was like bitch please bitch, I just paid for mortgage.

Speaker 2:

Like I wanted chilly in the room bedroom. I should be able to open the window. So I was kind of annoyed by that, but Whatever, it was fine. So day three of our trip, which was like day one in Kentucky, I just like got on my phone and I typed in breweries near me, distilleries near me, wineries near me, dear me near me, antiques near me. And then I just like clicked like a few places that were like within a 20 mile radius and I said this is what I'm doing today. Who's with me? So I got Emily and Jay. They came with me, you went with Kate. What did you guys do?

Speaker 1:

Oh, we went to like Bakery's. Oh, that's right, you got all those dough.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we got two. I Also searched donuts near me because I am a donut freak and then you went to that one Chinese guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you guys already we didn't know, but you had beat us there and bought them all out, and so when we got there, he's like I'm also down to donuts. Yeah, I mean also that don't it All out, but they were good. I had a couple, so that was fun we went to. So the first brewery one went to it was called like lemons mill Brewery. When we got there I'm like this place looks like a place you go to die, but it was. It looks super sketchy in the parking lot but the Inside of the brewery was super nice, the beer was good, the people were so kind, it was so fun.

Speaker 2:

After that we went to. It was like a. It said it was like antiques, but it was really bizarre. It was like a department store of all like really chintzy, shitty junk and like some one Booth would be selling like four-wheelers and then one booth would be selling like golf clubs and then one booth would be selling like Yarn and then I don't know or just like I just I didn't find any chargers and I didn't like that place at all. Then we tried to go to the donut place, which you had to beat us to it.

Speaker 1:

So there was no donuts.

Speaker 2:

Then we went to another brewery called Gypsy Hill brewery and that was good. It was really small but there was a lot of dogs there and so I got to pet all the puppies and that made me happy because I miss my puppies because we didn't bring them to this trip.

Speaker 2:

Came home, worked on the puzzle because I had bought in a puzzle for us to all work on. However, I didn't realize that nobody liked to work on the puzzle, so it was just me and Jay trying to get that done. We did not finish it.

Speaker 1:

We're halfway.

Speaker 2:

You helped it every time you like came by and like oh, if you came by you have to put a piece of the puzzle in. You're like fine, I'm like you can't leave till you put one piece in. So you did help with that. Yeah, I did a little bit, not very much though the next day we went on a Waterfall hike, although there was no waterfall, but it was fun. Did you like that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you guys were slackers. Why, oh, I was dying, I was dying that it was fine on the way down, but then no, Come on. No violet Come on but um.

Speaker 2:

but then on the way back it was like a big violet, oh my god you know what kids I tell you, I so. Are you a fan of hiking?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you like to be outdoors and climb trees.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I see it's fun yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, we had. I think we had taco. Can you turn my?

Speaker 1:

volume up.

Speaker 2:

Your volume up. You can't hear yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can barely hear myself.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it's on here.

Speaker 1:

Hello, yeah, okay, that's good, is that better yeah?

Speaker 2:

I don't want you to blow my ear drums out. So we had a lot of family dinners and I really enjoyed that on the trip. It was one of my favorite parts. Did you like sitting down as a family? Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I like that.

Speaker 2:

I like that too. Oh, that would hurt my ears. Day five I don't know what you did on day five, but Emily and I ventured the other way and it looked promising, but it was honestly a ghost town. Everything was closed. We had lunch at some Irish pub. I had a grilled cheese sandwich. It was so good, that sounds so good right now. I haven't eaten anything today, except for a granola bar. I think I'm gonna make eggs.

Speaker 1:

I made eggs when you were, you did, I was gonna make eggs.

Speaker 2:

Did you use all of them? No, there's still two left.

Speaker 1:

Oh sweet, I was not going to. I was like, no, I'm not going to.

Speaker 2:

Yummy. Is that what you were knocking for when I was talking to Dave Ryan?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What were you knocking?

Speaker 1:

for I don't know, just to see what you're doing. I wondered if you started the podcast or not. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Then the next day we went to Bucky's.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, tell me about your Bucky's experience.

Speaker 2:

Well, you had been to Bucky's one other time, when we went in Texas.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But tell me about your Bucky's experience. Oh my God, Did you go to Bucky's with Kate before on another day? No, no Well.

Speaker 1:

I think so.

Speaker 2:

So tell me about Bucky's.

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

What do you like the best about it?

Speaker 1:

So if you don't know what, Bucky's is.

Speaker 2:

it's like a glorified gas station where they have like everything. They make fudge, they make beef jerky, I think the food like the food they make is like on there. You think it's good.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, the food section is better than a gas station, yeah it's better, but I don't think like.

Speaker 2:

I had a breakfast sandwich not this time, but in Texas. It wasn't good Really, and I got. I bought two desserts at Bucky's this time and I threw both of them in the garbage.

Speaker 1:

I think the fudge is good. The fudge is pretty good. You liked it, did you?

Speaker 2:

like the fudge. You and Kate got matching Bucky onesies. Are you glad? Was that a good decision?

Speaker 1:

Kind of regrets you did. It's so cringy.

Speaker 2:

It's so cringy. You just milked me there Like you got a hat that I haven't seen you wear. You got a blanket.

Speaker 1:

It's not cold enough. It's not snowing.

Speaker 2:

It's so crazy. I wore my hat yesterday.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna wear it when it's there's snow on the ground. Okay, nice clothes.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to walk to school anymore, like you used to. Now you'll get a ride and ride the bus. So okay, bucky's, you got. So you got a hat, a blanket, a onesie fudge. That was a good time. That was also. We did Beauty Night that night. Did you have fun at Beauty Night?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that mask was funny yeah.

Speaker 2:

So we all had like animal masks on you may have seen a picture on social media of that and we had paraffin wax. So you guys were waxing your hands and your feet and I was all in it until Jay put his fucking dirty ass hands in there and there was weird like hair and shit floating in there. I'm like I'm done, there was hair in there. Yeah, he's a dude, he's hairy.

Speaker 1:

Whatever? Okay whatever, I don't know why what else?

Speaker 2:

Oh, you did I under eye patches.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was fun.

Speaker 2:

It was fun. I like Beauty Night. It's funny. Everyone laughs a lot. Then the next day, it was the last day and we went to the makers mark distillery. Did you like that? You were so hungry. So you were just like, okay, I'm so hungry, when are we gonna go? I want to eat. Yes, I'm hungry. So it was cool. We got to dip our own bottle of makers mark in like the red wax. So that was super cool. I got a t-shirt there. It was fun. We had a drink there. It was so good. They had a kitchen there, cuz I was like, just get some food, but everything was super bougie Boogey.

Speaker 1:

I know their food is not good.

Speaker 2:

I mean it looked good, but like everything on the menu, I'm like I don't know what that is yeah, I know. We did Small. Oh, then we went to dinner at that like steak place. Did you like that place?

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's pretty good, it was fine.

Speaker 2:

They had a salad bar I love that where you can like build your own salad.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I had a steak sandwich. It was good. Would you have a burger? Yeah, double cheeseburger, double cheeseburger. I'm like you should get a honey. That's noises.

Speaker 1:

All right Sorry.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'm like get a steak. You know like I only like Justin steak. I don't like restaurant steaks.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I never eat them anyway, yeah, so I never get them.

Speaker 2:

I. Then we had a bonfire that night and we did s'mores and I like jammed in.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, they were so good. Remember the last time I had one. So good I want one right now.

Speaker 2:

I did too this thing.

Speaker 1:

It was like the texture I like when I bite into the mushiness. And then I had a yeah the chocolate.

Speaker 2:

So Good, you get that marshmallow like just the right warmth and it gets you out the chocolate yeah.

Speaker 1:

Melty. I like when. I like I get the whole entire marshmallow and fire and I gotta oh yeah, I don't. I like my mushy, like Hot mushy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, me too, but I don't like when the I should, I like, slowly toast it like a golden brown and you just like light on fire and whip it around. It's gonna hit someone in the head and get stuck on their forehead. That's how we did. I think I feel like I went. We went the hot tub. I went to bed early that night. Yeah, it's a little boring. You got a hot tub at all packed Because, mackie, every time I go in the hot tub you like last 10 minutes and then you just leave.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know so it sucks to like get your swimming suit on as a girl.

Speaker 1:

Why is it that hard?

Speaker 2:

It will like it because we have multiple parts. You only have one part and like you have to like, peel that wet swimsuit on.

Speaker 1:

I have a butt cheek, yeah, I but cheeks. I have but cheeks, yeah, I know.

Speaker 2:

But then I have boobies that I have to cover oh yeah, you don't have that. So I feel like for a dude it's easier. I'm so hungry.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I am too.

Speaker 2:

We should get McDonald's we, and then that's it. The next day we woke up.

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, you know we haven't been the Mandarin buffet. Oh my god, you want that. No, not now, but I was like when's the last time you've been there?

Speaker 2:

It's been a well. I feel like you got sick a couple of times. You puked up a little main one night, and then we didn't go back for a long time.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I just get so full, so fast, so I. I do so I feel like, I just feel like it's a ripoff, it's expensive.

Speaker 1:

How much is it? Isn't like 20 bucks?

Speaker 2:

No, I think it's like. I feel like it was like 60 bucks last we went there, oh wow that's a lot. So, yeah, we packed up, we went home, we stopped at this dinner club and I had french toast. It was so good that french toast.

Speaker 1:

Are you okay?

Speaker 2:

No, I feel like, I almost feel like I have to burp, but then I also feel like a little nauseous. That's a weird weird feeling and I had a spattered cow. That second hotel did have a hot tub and then we woke up the next day and we made it home by like by the time I dropped Emily.

Speaker 1:

It took me like four hours to fall asleep. It did, I fell asleep at one oh you did.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know you're up that late. Were you watching TV? No you're just watching your phone.

Speaker 1:

No, I was just laying there trying to fall asleep Was.

Speaker 2:

Emily snoring.

Speaker 1:

No, a little bit, and then she got.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's cute, I love her. Okay so, and yeah, we made home by like 1130. So tell me highlights of Kentucky. What were your favorite parts?

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you mine you can think of some.

Speaker 2:

The people were nice. It was beautiful there. The roads were beautiful and hilly. Like the roads were so like narrow and then like there was so many trees, it almost felt like you were driving through like tunnels of trees all the time.

Speaker 1:

Violet you're gonna sit on that thing.

Speaker 2:

Violet no.

Speaker 1:

All right, dogs are worse than kids. I know right.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of animals. There's pigs and cows and horses and sheep. I Tried to pet them but they were not about that and you were like dude, you're about to be plate dinner. What did you say? You're about to be plated dinner, let us pet you as like you're just a Meat on a plate or whatever a meal way. It was like.

Speaker 1:

I was like you're just me on a plate, like, come on, like what's your issue? Like it doesn't matter, like at least get level, for you're just gonna be food on a plate, like God I.

Speaker 2:

Cons for me were oh yeah, walking Food or whatever. Oh yeah, that's what they are me. Yeah, cuz they're all like beef farms. Did you did any of my ideas? Give you any ideas for what your highlights were? Where your highlights the hot tub?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hot tub, the people Not really much.

Speaker 2:

I really do much no, did you get bored? I did, I had no time to get bored.

Speaker 1:

I think we did a lot.

Speaker 2:

Everything was far away, so everything was like a long drive. So that was the con for me. Nothing was nearby, there wasn't any like there was any like good restaurants there. A lot of people smoke. Cigarettes were super cheap there. Gas was cheap there. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I was. I was a really lovely trip, but I was really lovely. I was really lovely. It was really lovely to get home. I was ready to be home. I.

Speaker 1:

Mm-mm. Yeah, I was so like.

Speaker 2:

Do you have a would you rather for me and a funny joke?

Speaker 1:

and they're not that good I ready to wrap this up. You're gonna hate the first one.

Speaker 2:

I. All right you ready like chocolate chip cookie or peanut butter cookie cuz. I feel like that's very unoriginal, literally what it was no, okay, no, it is dark chocolate or white chocolate white chocolate. I hate dark. You like dark chocolate?

Speaker 1:

way better than white chocolate white chocolates way better.

Speaker 2:

It's way sweeter. That's not really a. Would you rather that's more of a this or that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I did a. Would you rather for Dave Ryan? It was really funny. You'll have to listen.

Speaker 1:

I'm not really good. Would you rather cuz I can't think of them.

Speaker 2:

You don't put any thought into this.

Speaker 1:

No, but I can't like every time I think of one, I just think of the same stuff.

Speaker 2:

Lame. You know, they have this thing called the internet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do that all the time, and there's never any good ones.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I also told Dave Ryan a funny joke. I'm not gonna tell you, I have to listen to the episode. Okay, here's my funny joke.

Speaker 1:

All right.

Speaker 2:

What do you call a scuba diving dog?

Speaker 1:

a Scoover a subwoofer?

Speaker 2:

You know no subwoofer. No, it's like a speaker and it's like boom, boom, boom, yeah, yeah, you probably can do it really good. You're good at sound effects Subwoofer, so get it like a is it a speaker? Dog a subwoofer is it's a speaker. Yeah, oh but subwoofer, because it's a dog, a woofer and that's like a sub.

Speaker 1:

I understand diving underwater. Okay, get it. Yeah, I think it like what is that was?

Speaker 2:

you didn't know what a subwoofer was. I didn't know the speaker.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, such a nerd, how I nerd Like come on man.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, that's why you're a nerd come on. Did you make scrambled eggs? Yeah that's what I'm gonna have. Did you have anything else?

Speaker 1:

Just salt and pepper on them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, how many eggs did you have? Four you made four eggs and left me with two. Wow.

Speaker 1:

I've any anything today. I didn't eat anything at school.

Speaker 2:

I drank a milk. Why didn't you eat lunch? Cuz, it was terrible what was it vegan buffalo bites I.

Speaker 1:

Don't even remember it. I know this is not good, not with that.

Speaker 2:

Did you even try it?

Speaker 1:

No no it was nasty.

Speaker 2:

Do they have an option like a hamburger chicken sandwich every day?

Speaker 1:

If you don't, yeah but that line is like not on the other side of the cafeteria, it's like one side to the other. I'm not waiting in that, cuz if I wait in that everyone like the whole lunch is already over. It's crazy Well.

Speaker 2:

I would say I haven't even had a chance to eat my lunch up because your line is too long and I'm gonna eat my lunch Cuz I need energy to focus and if you get in trouble for that, they can call me.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, do you have anything else? No you just want to tell me that you love me and you think I'm beautiful. Yeah, okay, thank you. Yeah, all right, everybody, thank you for listening to another episode of on our best behavior. Make sure that you get caught up on all of our episodes and look forward to the Dave Ryan episode. I'm so proud of it. Have a lovely night.

Speaker 1:

Good night, bye. No, yeah, I'm Ben done.

Thanksgiving, Vikings Game, and Kentucky Trip
Trip to Kentucky
Highlights of Kentucky Trip
Lunch Line Complaint and Farewell

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